DynaStrat - A Stratelio tool

A leader's strategy and dynamism

DynaStrat, a tool applied to leadership development, belongs to the "personality assessment" category, a cross between the works of Jung and neurosciences.

DynaStrat, a french personality assessment

More than an HR assessment tool

Our brain defines our preferences according to the strength of our desires and emotions. When we wish to think or act, our brain analyses our desire and lets out positive energy which increases the more our project contributes to our well-being. By combining the teachings of Jung and neuroscientists, DynaStrat helps us adapt our working axes to our driving forces. DynaStrat is an innovative and flexible French method used for leadership and top management development, which is now used in several languages and abroad.
DynaStrat is designed to:

  • identify professional preferences and strengths
  • outline the causes of hesitation, stress and obstacles to personal fulfilment
  • help implement a strategy adapted to an individual's professional life

… A thinking and development support tool

DynaStrat, a personality assessment to performe your efficency
Performance drivers

DynaStrat reveals the driving forces of leaders and directors and the way they are used: it presents factors of success, well-being or, on the contrary, origins of tension, stress, causing mistakes and eventually failure.

Revelateur de leadership individuel

DynaStrat merges 2 symbols: Dyna, the strength (δυναμικός), and Strat, the strategy (Στράτος). DynaStrat is intended for people with leadership positions. It enables them to understand and improve the combination of their strengths: DynaStrat therefore proves to be a reliable indicator of individual leadership

Personality assessment without value judgment
Reflection of personal strengths

Knowing ourselves better is key to long-term success and performance. DynaStrat identifies the different axes of passions up to avoidance. Without any value judgment or competence judgment. An ideal basis for constructive working methods.

Le bien-être et stress au travail
Well-being and stress

Fulfilling a task can contribute to well-being if it corresponds to our preferences. On the contrary, a position which does not reflect personal preferences can cause stress or even lead to a burn-out. DynaStrat identifies, on five different levels, the sustainable procedures of professional choices: from passion to refusal.



Sustainable performance

DynaStrat is an original process used by consultants, recruiters, coaches, personal development professionals, outplacers, HR managers and their teams …

DynaStrat is designed for anyone interested in optimizing his/her performance. Our individual energy component is commonly underestimated. With time, however, and approximately from the age of 35, our available energy diminishes and our choices become a challenge. Focusing our strengths, and therefore having a strategy, become fundamental.

For a coaching or personal development class, DynaStrat is the ideal tool to launch or boost any consultancy task. Reflecting individual preferences, the method is known for being attractive and an excellent introduction to new working methods..

How DynaStrat helps you

DynaStrat boosts your career.
Career development

DynaStrat is a fundamental starting point to ensure quality coaching, outplacement and methods.
Professional development, new responsibilities, change of shareholder, manager, executive committee or management committee, management of high potentials…
DynaStrat represents, analyzes and explains individual axes of preferences for more efficient working methods and true sustainable performance

A very powerful recruitment tool

How to choose between the best three or five preselected candidates ?
Type of leadership, relationship with others, relationship to power, risk, reality, development potential, intellectual commitment …
DynaStrat provides you with fundamental elements adapted to the most strategic recruitments, without any value judgment.

Il facilite la préparation à une nouvelle aventure
Outplacement or redeployment

Through its three key phases (assessment, choice of targets, success of the integration), DynaStrat helps us understand our situation and forget about the past in favor of new choices. It facilitates the preparation for a new adventure.
DynaStrat brings serenity and access to new methods to guarantee success.

Aide la délégation de pouvoir
Delegation of power

Delegation is a bet on trust. DynaStrat fosters a constructive dialogue based on the delegatee's strong points. Thus the act of delegating is studied around a fundamental criteria: the relationship to the power of the leader and that of the delegatee..
DynaStrat promotes self-confidence as well as trust in the others and ensures the success of delegating powers through mutual objective acceptance

La motivation, une force motrice

Around the age of 45, we realize that we have less strength, even less resistance. (1/4th of our energy potential has gone !). We must accept to improve our working methods to be more successful, and be more ourselves ! We must focus our strengths and thus define a strategy.
DynaStrat is designed to influence your strategic choices, ensure sustainable success, and find a way of focusing your energy that respects individual identity

Coaching or development

Leadership coaching is a demanding job, exercised by experienced and supervised professionals. According to different theories, several tools can be used. DynaStrat, since its launching, has quickly found a customer base of very interested coaches: its neutrality and fundamental elements foster introspection as well as simple, direct and judgment-free dialogue.

How a DynaStrat works

Direct access by the web
Online questionnaire

Direct online questionnaire (secure, encrypted link) of approximately thirty minutes.

Results based on neuroscience knowledge
DynaStrat mapping

Your Consultant analyzes your results and prepares his assessment meeting. We have excluded automated relationships and our consultants, all of high level and experience, are regularly trained to our methods.

Meeting with your Consultant
Assessment meeting

During a confidential 2-hour meeting, your Consultant details your DynaStrat results. This meeting represents a key and significant moment: an interactive dialogue, based on reciprocal trust, leads to the presentation of the mappings, their analysis and resulting solutions for progress.

And then...
And then

Your Consultant establishes a list of key points and summarizes his recommendations. He gives you the assessment along with the DynaStrat mappings, copies of which are available on our website in PDF format. You will thus benefit from the key elements to start working on improving and developing your professional performance.

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Discover the Stratelio product range

Establishing the driving force of a leading team

Establishing the driving force of a leading team

A leader's activities and strategy

A leader's activities and strategy