Our tools are used by Coaches, Team Coaches, Consultants, Outplacement specialists, HR Professionals, Corporate Governance Experts to support their clients.
Ces outils permettent d’aborder, avec un très fort discernement, mais sans jugement de valeur, les champs de la performance professionnelle à partir de bases scientifiques ou normatives les plus récentes.
Ils permettent de diversifier vos méthodes et d’apporter à vos clients une approche souple, aux possibilités d’exploitation nombreuses.
DynaStrat® et ChronoStrat® sont les outils idéaux pour fonder ou donner de la puissance à toute mission de coaching ou de conseil. Miroir des préférences, l’approche est reconnue comme séduisante, constituant une excellente introduction à une démarche de travail.
BoardStrat® - avec les DireStrat® - est clairement indiqué pour les experts en gouvernance.
HeadStrat® est un outil idéal pour les recruteurs dont la principale problématique est de définir le profil adéquat avec son client de façon claire et précise
Chaque outil fait l’objet d’un parcours de formation et d’une certification spécifiques, conçues par Stratelio.
Au-delà de la formation à l’analyse des résultats, Stratelio attache une importance fondamentale à la présentation des bases scientifiques et techniques qui sous-tendent ses process et outils.
Sa volonté est qu’au-delà de l’analyse, les utilisateurs s’impliquent et comprennent parfaitement la dimension de fond des concepts mis en œuvre.
Notre premier ouvrage, Votre énergie, c’est vous ! , présente ainsi au regard de DynaStrat® les connaissances les plus essentielles pour comprendre et s’approprier la pertinence de l’outil.
Nos formations ont ainsi un contenu en 3 parties :
Chaque outil a donc des sessions de formation adaptées tenant compte de leur spécificité et complexité :
Each tool has its own certification. These certifications apply to all people who have a real commitment in a coaching job (coaching, consulting, outplacement, search, career guidance ...) and with proven professional experience.
After a meeting with Stratelio, the candidate answers a questionary DynaStrat, ChronoStrat or DireStrat. This latter results in a full individual assessment (for exemple, for DynaStrat®, about 3 hours ).
At the end of this step, each party is free to accept or refuse to move on to the next one.
Stratelio, at this stage, reserves the right, at its discretion, not to accept any candidate for certification
Stratelio has created a specific training for each tool.
For exemple, for DynaStrat®, the certification contains several stages : several days of training and an individual follow-up at the beginning.
After the certification, the candidate is integrated into the network of independant licensees.
Certified coaches and consultants have asked us to set up long-term support in the form of supervision . Indeed, they perceive that, behind a simple and structured appearance, they have in their hands tools with a great fineness of analysis on the factors underlying the performance of their clients.
Their feelings are fully in line with Stratelio ideas : we never considered giving automated results. The expert is indispensable ; the results can be read on several levels, and only an expert is able to adapt his restitution according to the needs and perception of his client.
Since 2017, we have set up a "supervision" practice for the DynaStrat® range. The practice of DynaStrat® is now conditioned - for at least one year after the certification - by a periodic collective and individualized supervision.
Our supervision consists of practical work : collectively and individually
Stratelio-process users are independent, the certification does not create any relationship of subordination and each company preserves its full independence.
Stratelio develops specific methods and support tools transmitted to participants during training seminars.
The license holders take part in an annual Stratelio convention, an opportunity to discuss and exchange information on updates and adaptations.
Signing a license contract is an authentic reciprocal guarantee. The license holders become part of a network which organizes numerous debates and encounters.
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