Legal terms

1. General information

Pursuant to articles 6-III and 19 of the law on Confidence in digital economy, we hereby inform you that

  • Le présent site est la propriété de la Sarl STRATELIO dont le siège social est situé au 38 rue des Mathurins, 75008 Paris, société au capital social de 80.000 €, Tél. : + 33 (0)
  • Email address:
  • Numéro SIRET : Paris 517 763 579 000 11 code NAF : 7022 Z
  • Publication Director: Daniel BOS, in his capacity as manager and legal representative of Sarl STRATELIO.
  • Design: Name Agency, 103 rue de la Croix Nivert, 75015, Paris, France
  • Website administrator: Daniel BOS
  • Hébergeur du site Web : Sarl STRATELIO 38 rue des Mathurins, 75008 Paris, Tél. : + 33 (0)

2 . Limitation of liability :

The data contained in this website is subject to French law and is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. This data may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. It is non-binding and subject to change without prior notice.

The user acknowledges that he has read these conditions of use and undertakes to abide by them. The user of the website "acknowledges that he has the skills and means necessary to access and use this site. He acknowledges that he has checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order. STRATELIO makes every effort to offer its users available and checked information and/or tools but it cannot be held liable for any mistakes, unavailable functionalities and/or presence of viruses on its site.

The data is provided by Stratelio for reference purposes and cannot exempt the user from an additional and customized review.

3. Data Protection

Pursuant to the amended law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the website was declared to the French National Data Protection Commission (CNIL) under no. 1478560.

The automatic processing of personal data from the website "" was achieved in accordance with the amended Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Protection.

The user is informed, in particular, that pursuant to article 32 of said law, the data disclosed via the website's forms is necessary to answer his request and is intended for STRATELIO as the administrative and commercial head of the process.

The user is informed that he has the right to access, question and correct his personal data, allowing him, if need be, to have this data corrected, updated, blocked or deleted, if he considers it to be incorrect, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated or of which the collection, use, communication or preservation are prohibited.

The user also has the right to oppose the processing of his data for legitimate motives as well as the use of this data for commercial purposes.

All of these rights shall be exercised with STRATELIO by letter accompanied by a proof of identity and sent to the address specified above (article 1)

Sarl STRATELIO is not liable for the content of any other website to which you may have access via Sarl STRATELIO'S official website. The user is clearly informed that Sarl STRATELIO cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect, material or immaterial or special damage deriving in particular from the consultation and/or use of this website or other sites linked to it, such as the use of textual or visual information which may be collected, and particularly of any financial or commercial damage, loss of programs or data in its information system or other harm.

In the absence of any contractual commitment, Sarl STRATELIO can decide, at any time, to delete any information or reference from its website, or even suspend said website, in its sole discretion and without prior notice.

The website visitors cannot create a hyperlink towards this website without Sarl STRATELIO's express and prior authorization.

4. Intellectual property

This website's entire content is the exclusive property of Sarl STRATELIO, holder of the mentioned rights. Any production, reproduction or representation of sections of this website, in whole or in part (text or image) in any way whatsoever, is prohibited. The non-observance of this prohibition is an act of counterfeit which may incur the perpetrator's criminal and civil liability pursuant to articles L 335-2 et seq. of the French Code of Intellectual Property.

Tout litige en relation avec l’utilisation du site « » est soumis au droit français. L’utilisateur reconnaît la compétence exclusive des tribunaux compétents de Paris.

5 .Privacy Policy under the GDPR of 27 April 2016

Conformément aux articles 34 et 35 de la loi du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés ainsi qu’aux articles 32 à 35 du règlement général sur la protection des données du 27 avril 2016, Stratelio s’engage à prendre toutes précautions conformes aux usages et à l’état de l’art afin de protéger la confidentialité des informations auxquelles Stratelio a accès, et en particulier d’empêcher qu’elles ne soient communiquées à des personnes non expressément autorisées à recevoir ces informations.

Stratelio s’engage en particulier à :

  • ne pas utiliser les données auxquelles la société peut accéder à des fins autres que celles prévues par ses attributions ;
  • ne divulguer ces données qu’aux personnes dûment autorisées, en raison de leurs fonctions, à en recevoir communication, qu’il s’agisse de personnes privées, publiques, physiques ou morales ;
  • ne faire aucune copie de ces données sauf à ce que cela soit nécessaire à l’exécution de ses fonctions ;
  • prendre toutes les mesures conformes aux usages et à l’état de l’art dans le cadre de ses attributions afin d’éviter l’utilisation détournée ou frauduleuse de ces données ;
  • prendre toutes précautions conformes aux usages et à l’état de l’art pour préserver la sécurité physique et logique de ces données ;
  • s’assurer, dans la limite de ses attributions, que seuls des moyens de communication sécurisés seront utilisés pour transférer ces données