Build the dynamics of a team
Bringing together the DynaStrat and reflecting a team's collective efforts, the TeamStrat tool outlines the defining features of a team in an original and innovative way :
The TimeStrat® takes the observations and analyzes from the individual ChronoStrat® and allows to build or reconstruct the functioning of a management team.
In a logic of work which emphasizes the assigned times of the team and the spent times of each one, the TimeStrat® makes it possible to lighten the duplicates, to identify the actions and missions - planned but in practice not taken in load-, to work on solidarities and complementarities from such an essential factor : Time. TimeStrat® does so in relation to the known constraints of the team and its leader and the most essential recent developments.
Easy to use, quick questionary, simple mappings, direct reading contribute to a real value creation
The key, here, in the area of corporate governance, is the Board, ie the team of Directors. Each Director answers a questionary Direstrat® which reflects his individual view on the functioning and actions of the Board. BoardStrat® uses these data and builds a set of mappings that present, in complete anonymity of the sources, the collective vision of the directors on the actual functioning of their Board : thus can we treat the regulatory or recommended phase of annual evaluation But much more, BoardStrat® allows to really focus on the essence of the activity of the Council, its choices of strategy of action; and therefore its own performance goals and its reports especially with the management and stakeholders Innovative and exclusive tool, BoardStrat® offers the best than a Team Building logic can bring to its members and the societes.
For the establishment of a new team, the arrival of new members or before an important organizational or strategic change, TeamStrat strengthens a new Executive Committee or Management Committee.
Most pressures and tensions are due to a refusal or inability to open up to others : by allowing the team to focus to really understand each of its members and to share their strengths, our Team Buidling allow to accept their individual idifferences, and build a real collective strength to performe the company's objectives.
Teaming-up with another company defeats cultural and human resistance. This results in a collective work through which each individual reveals its true strengths and potential. TeamStrat helps everyone let go of individual inhibitions by showing how 2 teams can complement each other.
This team-building teaches, in particular, the ways in which a team can be strengthened efficiently when recruiting a new member on a board of directors. TeamStrat represses the fear of the unknown through a shared analysis of complementary strengths and the establishment of a new success "gear".
Other than purely financial causes, failed mergers and acquisitions (+60%) are often explained by the failure to consider two out of the three components of intangible capital: human capital and social capital.
DynaStrat helps you understand quickly and more clearly the attitudes of key decision-makers of companies concerned. Understanding what is done and why, how each member does his/her best in this context of change greatly reassures professionals of these careers and their clients.
Team building helps a team to work on itself. This work is often restricted to this aspect.
The Team Bulding brings an innovative and fundamental added value :
How the team is perceived by others, by all collaborators, by men an wowen working in the society ?
Which image is unconsciously received from the outside, from the external ?
This innovative contribution brings the team to go much further in its work, to extend and refine their kwowledge of themselves and help to set ambitious targets, in its communiction both collectively and individually.
Each team member answers a DynaStrat questionnaire directly online. The link is secure and encrypted. Then, the consultant meetss each person individually during a confidential 2-hour meeting.
The consultant(s) prepare(s) a tailored seminar with the leader and its team, and direct(s) it. This step is crucial.
The seminar sheds a double light on each member's performance drivers and on the team's collective strength.
The Stratelio product range is an innovative added value which attracts our clients through its original features, approach and accurate analysis.
Would you like to know more?
Stratelio offers training and certification sessions applied to the use of its products.
A leader's strategy and dynamism
A leader's activities and strategy